Press Release Summary = Is there an effective, efficient or just simply a way to play golf? This is an extract from an article published at
Most golf teachings have basically commanded adherence to time frames and biomechanical limb movements totally removed from someone\'s normally applied day to day function in the area of \"See and React\" responses.
Press Release Body = In general the golfswing\'s broken down into \"Static\" stations. The address position, halfway back position, top of swing position. Pictures of halfway down, impact, and the follow through.
Golfers looking at club positions held stationary at all points of intended swings; looking like internal clock mechanisms whose hands cannot move to the next indication of time without releasing a ratchet from a cogwheel.
Nothing we do is relative to movement in a \"RATCHETED\" stationed format. For most movement requirements, a genetic program dictates a smooth sequential flow of limb movement.
More progress could be achieved in learning the golf swing if emphasis was directed to the area of total motion acceptance by an overall visual study of a moving model golfswing.
When an object is thrown at your face by someone, instinctively your hands move to cover your face. This responsive action has no conscience input from you. The code is already implanted and response is guaranteed. Can the golfswing come close to a genetically coded response?
Far from it. Once some reasonable semblance of understanding has been attained about the golfswing, do not perpetuate anything other than the motion of the totality of the swing. Have faith in an ability to move correctly if given the right opportunities.
Next time you practice, have an objective rather than willy nilly ball hitting. From the very first ball you hit, operate at the normal rate physically that you carry out normal day to day functions. Note the speed you walk, talk, and take you clubs from your bag. Walk to the ball. Address it. Look straight to the target and really acknowledge its absolute position. Look immediately at the ball and start the swing instantaneously.
From the moment you start to move to the ball stay in motion, do not allow the club or the body to fall out of the sequential readiness program. Hit about a dozen balls with an iron then immediately go to the driver or 3 wood and repeat the process.
The message here is not one of speed hitting, but of staying in motion with absolutely no delays, in the process of getting the shot underway. Then go to the golf course and play some holes in absolutely the same sequence of approach to the shotmaking.
You\'ll be amazed at the results, and how feel for distance becomes alive and more precise when the See and React mechanism is utilized as apposed to: \"this shot is 67 meters I will only make a small arm only type swing\" etc. More tips and email lessons visit